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US Coast Guard Ship docked at Base Portsmouth sunrise

Plankowner Program

How to Become a New Plankowner

Simply establish a recurring monthly donation of $5, $10, $25, $50 or an amount you deem appropriate ($5 minimum) and maintain your support of the project through to completion (anticipated in 2026). Decide whether you want to contribute with a credit card or through your Coast Guard allotment.

By Credit Card: Currently we are unable to set up and process new Plankowner gifts online. Please call our office at 860-443-4200 to become a new Plankowner using your credit card. We anticipate this capability will be operational again very soon.

By Coast Guard Allotment: Please review the information below to complete your allotment. This is a 2-step process. Once we receive your first gift, we will send an acknowledgment letter with a temporary Plankowner certificate. If you have any questions, please contact us at (860) 443-4200 or email us

Step 1: Please email the following information to the National Coast Guard Museum Association ( so that we know you intend to become a Plankowner using your Coast Guard Allotment. We need to have your contact information so we can complete your Plankowner registration. Please include your name as you would like it displayed on your Plankowner Certificate.

  • Title/Prefix
  • Full name
  • Suffix (e.g. Jr.; USCG (Ret.))
  • Mailing Address
  • Email address (in case we have a question regarding your information)
  • Name on certificate
  • Affiliation with the Coast Guard (e.g. Active Duty, Retiree, Veteran, Friend, etc.)

Step 2. After you have emailed your information to us, please follow one of the options below to contact the U.S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center (CG PPC) or log in to Direct Access to complete setting up your voluntary allotment to the Museum.

Please follow one of the options below to complete your allotment set up. If you need to contact CG PPC please call 866-772-8724 or

Option 1. If you have previously accessed the CG PPC Direct Access website, please log in and request a Voluntary Deduction. Select “CG Museum Assoc Dues” if you are retired or “Association Dues” for active duty from the drop-down menu.

Option 2. If you have never accessed the CG PPC Direct Access website, please visit the following PPC RAS website to review the user guide for FIRST TIME USERS – Initial Direct Access Sign On –

Option 3. If you cannot access the self-service system, please complete the CG-7221, Retired Allotment Authorization form and email it to The Museum Association Blanket Code is: 00080

Note: Requests received outside of Direct Access (DA) Self-Service have a processing time of 60 days after receipt.

Plankowner Certificate MAY PRINT