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Our Path Forward

We have a multi-pronged approach to build the Museum in collaboration with the United States Coast Guard.

Immersive Experiences

A state-of-the-art museum is not a passive experience. The National Coast Guard Museum is committed to offering engaging and immersive experiences for visitors who choose to dive deeper into the missions of the United States Coast Guard. From a 180-seat theater that will feature a compelling Coast Guard introductory fi lm to three unique simulation rooms, and a robust technology -driven qualification program, the museum will offer something for everyone. Want to qualify in your Coast Guard skills as you explore the museum? There will be self-directed programs to guide this experience. Want to visit a fully immersive Coast Guard command center and direct the reopening of a storm-ravaged port to test what you’ve learned? The museum will offer that as well.

Micropiles Phase II of construction

Educational Programming

In partnership with LEARN, a Connecticut-based educational programming consultant, the National Coast Guard Museum will offer a K-12 STEM-based curriculum, including classroom exercises and museum fi eld-trip activities. Engaging young minds with the science and innovation of the Coast Guard, while also providing exciting, real-world problems and scenarios, is another component of building and opening the museum.

Bells and Whistles

Research has proven that visitors can spend up to 20% of their time in a museum outside of exhibit areas. That is why the National Coast Guard Museum has offerings that range from a stunning waterfront promenade to a 5-story awe-inspiring atrium, as well as rentable event space, observation decking, café and gift shop, and access to the USCG Barque Eagle at the adjacent city pier (when it is moored in New London). Rotating galleries, special events, museum memberships, and online museum access will round out this museum’s offerings to the entire Coast Guard community and public of all ages.


the path forward planning chart for launch of new US Coast Guard Museum in New London Connecticut