Plankowner Program
Get Your New Challenge Coin
Get Your New Challenge Coin
The National Coast Guard Association honors the 210’ Reliance-Class cutters, a venerable platform for the modern U.S. Coast Guard’s fleet, which is celebrating 60 years of service. To get your coin, become a plankowner or upgrade your current plankowner gift.
Join our Plankowner crew or upgrade your current gift by at least $5 per month and we’ll send you our latest Museum Challenge Coin honoring the 210’ Reliance-class cutters!
To upgrade your current gift, do ONE of the following:
Simply establish a recurring monthly donation of $5, $10, $25, $50 or an amount you deem appropriate ($5 minimum) and maintain your support of the project through to completion (anticipated in 2026). Decide whether you want to contribute with a credit card or through your Coast Guard allotment – make the appropriate selection below and follow the instructions on the next screen to get started today.
Learn how you can be a catalyst for change, helping create the National Coast Guard Museum. Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on building progress and support opportunities.